Winter Dog Games

With the winter weather in full swing, people are looking for more ways of playing with their dogs in the comfort of their own home out of the wind, rain and snow. With gardens rapidly turning into mud baths, throwing a ball for your dog to bring back is not so appealing at this time of the year. If you have an active dog, who takes a lot to wear out, winter is allways a challenging time of year. Dogs who have not had enough exercise can become bored, and bordom can lead to mischief. So if your dog is gettng bored in these long winter months, this could be the game for you as it stimulates your dog both mentally and physically, and they and your kitchen floor stays clean.


Hide and Seek
There are two versions of this game that can both be played indoors (or outside on a nice day).
1) This involves two or more adults or children, plus a playful dog and is great for helping with recall training. One person distracts the dog while the other goes and hides. The hiding person then calls the dog and when found, the dog is rewarded with a treat or a quick game with a toy. Meanwhile the next person should go and hide and then again call the dog to them, again reward the dog when he finds you. This game can continue, in the same manner until you run out of hiding places or get bored. It is best to keep the hiding places simple, until the dog has got the hang of the game (Behind doors, under tables, or behind the sofa are good places to start).
2) The second version involves hiding food or toys around the house or garden. Either shut the dog in a room, or let someone else distract the dog while you hide your dogs favourite toy or treats, or a mixture of the two (e.g. a stuffed kong). Then release the hound to go and find them. While your dog gets the hang of this game, you may need to encourage him to hunt around for it, but once they become experts, you can hide the toy or treat in more challenging places.

This game has been sourced from 4ActiveDogs. Let us know if anyone has any more suggestions for indoor winter games for owners and their dogs.

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