Dog Crating Tips By Wood Dog Crate

Awareness about Dog Crates for New Owners

When you are thinking of adding a dog to your family, you will be making a mental list of all the accessories you’ll need to purchase. Collars, leashes, bowls and brushes will all make their way onto your shopping list. Have you thought about adding a crate to that list?

Most new dog owners don’t immediately think about buying a crate for their dog. They may not be aware of how useful they are, or they may feel that they are somehow cruel and unkind. Here are some reasons why every new dog owner should seriously consider buying a crate.

1. A crate will give your dog its own den where they can get some “time out” from your busy family. My dogs will voluntarily go to their crate when they have had enough of our visitors!

2. A crate will make it easier and quicker for you to toilet train your dog. They don’t like to soil their bed, and will hold on until you take them outside. If you then praise your dog enthusiastically when they go to the toilet, they will soon learn to go outside to potty.

3. Puppies are notorious for chewing things. You really do need an extra pair of eyes to make sure they aren’t getting up to mischief. If your pup is crate trained, you can put them in the crate when you have to pay attention to something else.

4. We don’t like to think of our dog having an accident or becoming ill. Unfortunately it does happen. If your dog is crate trained, they won’t be as stressed about spending time in a hospital cage. If you can confine them in their crate when they come home, they will recover quicker.

5. Your dog’s crate will be familiar to your dog when you are in a different environment, for example if you are moving house, or if you go on vacation. They will be more likely to relax if they have their crate with them, and they won’t be as stressed.

6. If you put your dog in a crate while you are traveling in your car, the trip will be much safer for both of you. They won’t try to sit on your lap, and they won’t be thrown across the inside of your vehicle if you have a collision.

Crates cost more than a leash or collar, so you need to plan your purchase carefully. If you take care of your dog’s crate, it will last you for their lifetime. When you look at it like that, it’s not all that expensive after all. There is also dog crate furniture available. These crates are made of wood and can serve as a piece of furniture.

If your dog is properly trained to use their crate, and they are treated kindly when they are inside, crates are not at all cruel. Do give some serious thought to crate training your new four legged family member before you completely rule it out. You will start to see how a crate could simplify your life, and also be good for your dog.

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