This Chihuahua Is Sure Grateful For The New Year

Photo by Tina M. Gohr/Kewaunee County Star-News

Can you only imagine being stuck underground for two and a half days? Well this little Chihuahua named Emma had gotten stuck along Lake Michigan back on Wednesday night while chasing something and climbed into the side of the embankment where he was unable to get back out.

Emma’s owner’s Debbie and Tom Skubal are grateful for all the help that the local residents did to help save their dog. I can only say that they were very lucky that the weather held out and it wasn’t cold and snowing because that might have changed the outcome.

A Big Thanks goes out to Dave Rohr, Larry Sipe, Dan Ninedorf, Jordan Ledvina, John Ledvina, Wayne Fischer, Lee Ledvina and Greg Suess for all their help in rescuing Emma.

Read the article by Tina M. Gohr here.

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