A So Called Dog Breeder Leaves Her Kids Home With Dead Dogs

Can you even imagine what these poor kids must have gone though when their mother Tiffany Wilkerson-Hood just left her four kids with two dead dogs and thirty seven other dogs fending for themselves in her house.

Tiffany Wilkerson-Hood will be headed to court to in July to face four counts of aggravated cruelty and four counts of being a companion animal hoarder who neglected her dogs. She also faces four counts of contributing to the dependency and neglect of her children and four counts of endangering the life or health of a child.

Detective Janette Carlton said: As soon as police officers and animal control officers entered the home they noted the stench and foul odor of animal feces and urine, and the general filth of the home was nearly unbearable. The first floor of the house was soaked with urine, covered with feces and approximately one inch of standing water.

My heart goes out to these poor kids and the dogs for what Tiffany Wilkerson-Hood did to them. Hopefully she will never have another animal and her kids will be taken away from this sick person.

Read the article by Tony Reid here.

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