What’s It Take To Be A Responsible Pet Owner, Don’t Ask These People

With the hot weather season in Arizona the Pinal County Animal Care and Control were out rescuing seventeen pit bulls from an owner who left two of the dogs chained up outside with no water.

You have to wonder why anyone would just leave their dogs outside in this heat in the first place. My dogs don’t even like going out in this heat because they know it’s hot out there.

Read the article here.

I just loved this article about a news station who had confronted a dog owner who left his dog in the car for four hours.

When they confronted the dog’s owner they said: There are going to be people who see this and think maybe you don't love your animal. That's no way to treat a dog.

Their reply was: I completely agree, and I feel really bad. I'm obviously very concerned right now.

That sure makes me laugh how people will just lie to cover their abuse because they were too busy to car. I have confronted people about leaving their dogs and even leaving their kids in the car.

So hopefully when the animal control officer finds out where they live they will give them a fine that might just make them better dog owners and maybe save this dogs life.

Read the article here.

In other animal abuse news the abuser who left forty cats that were infested with fleas, sores and no food in Carrick, Indiana last month has been found.

Now the State Humane Officer Kathy Hecker is looking to make Joan Martinez pay for all the cat that was needed to the Animal Friends Rescue Shelter along with her being charged with sixty four counts of animal cruelty.

This is going to be one expensive lesson for Joan Martinez for what she did and I only wish that all the animal abusers had to pay the full cost for what they did to their pets.

Read the article here.

And now you got an animal abuser named Michael R. Fessler from PA who had thrown his dog so hard that it broke pelvis earlier this year was afraid to show up at court.

So if things go right at court for this animal abuser the way PETA is hoping Fessler will be getting more than a slap on the wrist.

The Director of PETA Martin Mersereau said: The viciousness shown in abusing this dog must not go unpunished.

I totally agree that it’s time that these animal abusers learn to pay for what they did to their pets.

Read the article by Joy Powell here.

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