Fined For Using A Shock Collar On His Dog

A dog owner over in Wales has been fined for using a shock collar on his dog. This wasn’t the first time that Phillip Pook was warned about the use of these collars and now that it a law on banding them he has been fined L2,000 for the illegal use on his border collie.

David Prosser the Prosecutor said: This is the first prosecution under the regulations for this type of collar. It operates like an electric fence, and if the dog approaches the boundaries or tries to escape it sends a shock to the dog.

Nic De Celis the RSPCA inspector said: It's gratifying to see that this new legislation really works and is making a difference to animal welfare in Wales. I hope this case sends a strong message to all animal owners in Wales that the courts will not tolerate the use of these barbaric devices.

I have to agree with Nic De Celis that these shock collars are barbaric and cause the dogs a lot of harm. I have watched this dog trainer use them on his dogs which he has a lot of pride in how well his dogs are trained. Well from my point of view I only see that these dogs have been shocked so many times that they will do anything not to be shocked again.

They say that you can train any animal with these collars after awhile and I only wonder how much damage they really do to them. I tried one of these a few years back and after seeing one of my dogs get blasted by the shock I threw the dammed thing out. It didn’t take but one time to see what it did to the poor dog and I can only imagine what these things will do over time to a dog. I wish they would ban them here in the USA and in other countries too.

Read the article here.

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