Missouri Closes Another Recue Shelter

The St. Francois Society which is by Bonne Terre, Missouri has had its license revoked due to all the violations that were still not taken care of from the last inspection. The owner Diana Blackwell had to give up one hundred and twenty eight dogs and sixty seven cats where some of the animals had upper respiratory infections and possibly internal and external parasites along with many of them having hair loss.

So I guess that this place was a healthy place for these pets to be in. Now that the Humane Society of Missouri Animal Cruelty Task Force has taken the animals to the Humane Society of Missouri in St. Louis where hopefully they can be adopted out after a court hearing.

The owner Diana Blackwell said: This is the most devastating day of my life, My reputation's in shreds and I won't get that back.

By what I have read about her rescue I don’t think much of her reputation with all these animals being sick and the conditions that they had to live in even after being offered help.

Read the article by Leah Thorsen here.

Down in Tennessee a Warren County Humane Society board member named Clay Lerch was ordered by a judge to give back two Great Danes that he took from Amanda McMinn or face being arrested.

The problem now is that one of the Great Danes is missing so I wonder what the judge is going to do now to Clay.

Read the article by Cynthia Williams here.

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