Guard Dog Training Tips

A dog is like another member of the family. He must be treated like that and above all he must be showed the needed respect. There are many types of dog race and each of them has different types of behavior and personality exactly like any other being. Also many dogs have different uses. They may be proper for guarding, they may be just small apartment dogs, which they mostly are treated like babies, also hunting dogs and other types of dogs can be found there.

When you prefer to take a guarding dog you are obviously seeking for protection. You should know that no matter which dog race you may be choosing in case they are not trained properly the results will be far from your expectations. If protection for you and your family is what you are waiting from your dog you should train him in this direction. How? A few tips and tricks will be described in the next rows of this article. The main thing a guard dog should do is to bark when is required and not all the time. This is maybe the very first thing you should teach him to do. Each time he is doing it at the proper moment you can offer him a treat or whatever pleases him more. Like that his brain will understand when is good to bark and when not. Also by using different devices which can release different noises which can make your dog understand when his behavior is proper and when it is not are very much used in guard dog training. You should also teach him to follow orders. This means that when you request him to stop barking he should stop. This can be done only with the proper attitude and a few tricks as well.

He feels when you are not firm enough and when you are. This is why the tone of your voice and the body language is more than important. As long you can impose yourself in front him you will be able to obtain the things you want from him. Also you should offer him a prize every time he deserves to but not immediately. It is very important to make them listen to your orders because if they have in their minds that they should protect you and that specific territory they can become aggressive with any stranger. They are very friendly kind of dogs but they must be taught to be less friendly with strangers and to not take treats or other things if they are not offered by the owner. Also they must be allowed to socialize with other dogs as well and to not become savages from this point of view.

guard-dog-training is an important step towards a healthy relationship between for the dog and it's owner. You should also consider looking at the German Shepherd dog.

11 Aug, 2011

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