What You Ought to Know About Dogs and Their Habit of Shedding

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Almost every dog sheds hair regardless of breed or age. The presence of this hair is a big nuisance faced by the pet owners. Breeds with thicker undercoats and those with more hair will shed in larger quantities. Stopping the dog from shedding is impossible but with your help, the quantity of loose hair can be reduced. Remove the loose hair effectively so that it does not become a problem in the home.

Like other animals, you will find different types of coats on dogs and shedding helps them get rid of damaged, extra and old hair. During winter, a heavy coat grows on the animal to provide insulation and the extra hair is shed in summer. The damaged and broken hair is also shed and it is excessive when the dog's skin is irritated due to conditions like allergies.

There are various ways of taking care of dogs and shedding by keeping the animals' hair and skin healthy by removing the hair effectively and reduce the shedding; brushing the animal regularly even if daily will keep the hair away from your home. Brushing also results to a cleaner, softer and likeliness of shedding is reduced. Secondly, Feed the animal with the high quality feed which contains digestible protein sources. The dog's coat reflects what it eats. A fatty acid supplement such as VitacoatPlus should be fed to the dogs to keep the coat healthy. It is also wise for you to cover car seats and furniture. Upholstery attracts pet hair and removing this hair is a tedious task. Invest in car seat covers and furniture throws if the pet is allowed on the bed or furniture. Learn to control fleas and allergies. The allergy relief that you give to the dog should be recommended but a vet. Obtain good medications to prevent scratching and itching from fleas. Also aim at controlling and preventing infestations.

Dogs and shedding is of great concern for allergy sufferers and it is advisable for such people to go for non-shedding dogs as their pets. In the actual sense, there is no puppy that is completely shed-free although the Australian Labradoodle dogs are said to be non-shedding. These dogs are also less vulnerable to dander. These dogs are a high breed of Labrador retriever and poodle. Due to the non-allergic nature and energetic nature, these dogs are readily qualified in people's homes by family members.

This article was all about dogs and shedding and if you found this interesting there is much more to learn at Dogalicious.

12 Aug, 2011

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6485929
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